In the Gaming World, Sony’s PlayStation 3 3 has its place that no newer system can replace. The PS3 Controller, the Dualshock 3 also keeps its special position in the gamer’s hearts. Still, a lot of users, including me, prefer to use the PS3 controller over any one on my computer. This is due to many factors, and the most crucial one being the pressure-sensitive analog face buttons.
These make the Dualshock 3 the best option for emulating PS2 games with PCSX2. For example, Metal Gear Solid 3 just doesn’t play right without those analog control keys. The feel of Sony’s PS3 controller matters. 1 How to use PS3 Controller on PC? How to use PS3 Controller on PC?
The Dualshock 3 is neither the toughest nor the easiest to use on PC. Nonetheless, it will probably be worth it. That’s why, I’m delivering this Guide here that will tell you How to use PS3 Controller, the Dualshock 3 on your computer. The process is absolutely simple and fun. Just keep reading carefully and do as I say so.
Before setting up your controller you need to have some software installed in your personal computer. You can find all the download links below. After ensuring you have all the requirements fulfilled, move forward further to use PS3 Controller on PC. Step-1. Download the program above detailed, and begin by setting up the four Microsoft packages. If you are using a Windows 7 PC, you’ll need to install the Xbox 360 controller drivers also. On Windows 8 and 10, it’s already built in with the system. Key Note: Plug your Dualshock 3 into your personal computer with a mini-USB cable connection.
Step-2. If you also want to be able to use the controller wirelessly within the Bluetooth connection, make sure you have a Bluetooth dongle plugged in or your motherboard’s Bluetooth is allowed. ScpToolkit notes you will need a Bluetooth 2.0 or higher dongle that supports Enhanced Data Rate (EDR). If you don’t want to use PS3 Controller wirelessly, skip this Step simply.
Step-1. Download ScpToolkit and then run the installer. After accepting the conditions & conditions, and choosing your install location, you’ll get a menu of all the options to install, such as the screenshot below. I recommend leaving this to the default. Click Install to start the installation. Note: Make sure the ScpToolkit Bluetooth Pair Utility option is ticked if you would like to use the PS3 Controller wirelessly. Step-2. After approximately 30 seconds, ScpToolkit will be installed, and you’ll start to see the screen, with a huge green button that says Run Driver Installer. As this is a brand new install, that is what we have to do. Click on the big green button.
Step-1. The next screen may look a little complex, but it’s still pretty simple. Check the boxes for the drivers you want to install Just. In our case, we wish to ensure Install Dualshock 3 driver is checked (it ought to be checked by default). Then click on the arrow next to “Choose Dualshock 3 controllers to set up” to visit a dropdown list of USB devices attached to your computer.
Find the PlayStation 3 3 controller in the list and check it too. Note: Check if the “Install Bluetooth driver” package is checked. As if you do with the Dualshock 3, click on the arrow next to “Choose Bluetooth dongles to set up” and then find your Bluetooth device in the list. Another Note: If you are using Windows Vista, check the container for “Force Driver Installation.” Otherwise, leave it unchecked. Step-2. Wait as the SCP Toolkit operates through its set up process.
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You can see lots of pop-ups privately of your display as it picks up your hardware. Scroll to the bottom of the log and you should hopefully see “Dualshock 3 USB Driver installed” (and also “Bluetooth Driver installed” if you opted), indicating a successful set up. If everything proceeded to go well, click Exit. Now that ScpTookit is installed successfully, you’ll view it as an icon in your system tray.
You will get the ScpToolkit Settings Manager in your Start menu. Here you can change some settings like disabling rumble, adjusting analog stick deadzones, and more. Most of these configurations you should leave alone rather than change if you don’t know what you are doing. ScpToolkit begins with Windows by default and also plays some sound effects that you might find unwanted.